Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Let's get excited folks

Hey everyone! I know that time is running down and everyone in some way (good or bad) will be glad to see the day come and go. Several of us have had our struggles, being sick, knee problems, etc.... But come on people, we need to start getting stoked for this event! (Notice I didn't call it a race.) Let's start thinking and talking positively. We need to give ourselves more credit for our accomplishments. I know I have been discouraged because my knee has been giving me trouble, but honestly, I'm doing something I never dreamed I would ever do. I'm not sure I'll do it again, but at least I'm doing something other than sitting on my behind and I'm proud of that! Keep moving people.... Personally I can't wait just to be together.

By the way, if Tacie sees this post. We were so excited to hear from you and laughed and laughed at your blog postings....especially your gym experience. Thanks for sharing.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

32 Laps in 72 Minutes

Wow! With only three weeks until the 1/2 marathon, I'm starting to get nervous. I don't feel as prepared this year as I did last. I blame the chronic cold that I have had lately. I didn't feel well enough to run for two and a half weeks, but finally this week I got back to running. I think I've hit it pretty hard this week, but hopefully not too hard. In all I've done 19 miles this week (still 7 miles short of what Lane did in one day today). At the track I did 8 miles today, yep 32 laps around the same boring track. I stuck with my goal pace of 9 minute miles, but I honestly don't think I could have kept it up any longer. Here's a couple pictures Haylee took:

Outside Runs

It's true...I've been a pretty big slacker as of lately, but I am beginning to get back on track. I have only ran once outside once and that was when we were very first training. I have decided that I want to run outside now until the race. Mom and Dad got me an awesome jogger stroller for graduation and I've been anxious to get out with it. The last three days I've ran outside and it has been a lot of fun. However, the longest I have gone in the last 3 days is 2 miles... I need to get going if I'm gonna make the five miles!!!

Here I am with the new jogger... This is way after I did the run today (obviously, i usually don't run in jeans and crocs! ) :) I went to the track and just walked. I ended up walking 3 miles.

PS. Lane and Whitney did their marathon and half today and We've been cheering them on in our hearts!! Hope all went well you two and can't wait to hear about it!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A little late...

So, as I'm sure many of you know... it's been a bit hectic around the Boise Blake house lately. I have been a huge slacker about getting my training in... but several hundered dollars later and a new treadmill... may be the motivation that I needed. I ran a 5K today... so it's my "personal best" to date. I'm hoping to cut it down... but right now, I was just happy to get through it. 31:32. Happy training. Ogden's just around the corner!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pounding Pavement

Well.... with the Music City Marathon only 2 weeks away, I knew that I needed to test myself with some serious milage. On Monday I only had class from 9:00 to 9:50 so I decided that I would get out and run an 18 miler. I ran from the campus out to our Apartment. It was a beautiful day, around 70 degrees and I loved having a destination to run to. I knew that I had to make it the 18 miles... or I wouldn't make it home! How's that for motivation? I was hoping to do the 18 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes. It actually took 2 hours and 55 minutes.... but I made it home! Surprisingly, I was a only a little sore in my quadriceps... and could walk the next day so that was a great sign. Unfortunately, I was so busy I didn't get out and run any more this week.... until today. I wanted to get in one more long run as preparation... so I was up and running at 8:00 this morning. Today was not nearly as nice as Monday. It was a chilly 45 degrees... but I knew if I made excuses I wouldn't get out there. So I took off this morning and got back to my car 20 miles later! I did great through 17 miles.... and the last 3 were killer but I made it the full 20 miles in 3 hours and 8 minutes! So I was a little quicker today! It's hard to believe that for the real marathon I need to go an additional 6.2 miles. But overall, after a 38 mile week I feel great, and it is a relief to get the long runs out of the way. Over the next two weeks I will just do a few shorter milage... keep the legs loose type runs and then it's on to Nashville!
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and training hard!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Technologically challenged

So here is my lastest workout news. When I was in Boise, Lane convinced me to buy the computer chip for my new shoes... I ran with it one day and it was kind of fun to see how I had done. I ran/walked 1.95 miles in 24.33 minutes... However the chip wasn't calibrated, so I have no idea how accurate that really was. I decided on Thursday to go out and calibrate the chip. I was going to go over to the track at IF so I could do it with a 1/4 mile run. The track was packed with all the high school kids doing their spring sports, so I went to communtiy park. I knew I was going to have to run a mile without stopping in order to calibrate the chip correctly because the trail is marked in 1 mile increments. So I hit the calibrate button on my ipod and on the screen it said to hit the center button to begin calibrating. So I hit the center button, my music started to play and I started to run... I ran and ran and was tired, but pushed myself to run a full mile without stopping. I was out of breath wheezing and exhausted... I hit the center button to stop my calibration and heard this voice say "Hit center button to begin calibrating." WHAT???? Are you kidding me? I just ran a mile and killed myself and my shoes are still not calibrated! I walked back to the car and went home! I haven't worked up the courage to go do it again. I'm such an idiot! .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Work in Progress

Well.... It has been awhile since I have made a post here... so I figured it was about time! I've been so busy these days that training has been very difficult. However... I did get in 79.85 miles during the month of March! With the Country Music Marathon less than 25 days away I am getting seriously concerned about my ability to run 26.2 miles. YIKES. I knew I needed to get out and do a long training run yesterday, and unfortunately it was raining. However, I had to man up and just get out and do! I went ahead and ran a half marathon as a training run. I ran in in 2 hours and 3 minutes, which I feel pretty good about because I was on a very hilly course and also ran the whole thing in the rain! So I am a little sore today... but surprisingly I am not completely unable to walk! I am going to try to get in another long run (15-18 miles) by the end of this week!
I definitely think I can get the Odgen Half Marathon in under 2 hours! I have to say that an organized half marathon is a lot more fun than a long training run... I was disappointed that no one was there to give me a medal when I finished my 13.1 yesterday :)

Keep Truckin'! Train hard and train safe!