Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I feel like I'm the only one who posts sometimes... Come on people, I want to know how you are all doing?!?!

Well, my knee is doing a lot better. Ever since I just pushed through that one run I haven't had any problems. BUT I still need to work on building that endurance. Once I get running I seriously cannot breathe!! I really want to be able to run (without walking) for a longer amount of time. Advice?? (Lane/whit-- I know you've both been running for a long time. Do you guys have any ideas?)

Love you all! Keep up the hard training!


Whitney Blake said...

Well I know personally swimming really builds your lung capacity up. I have seen it with me and with Lane. When Lane started swimming more often his running improved because he had strengthened his lungs so they were able to go for longer. I think it can also depend on how you are breathing. I am a mouth breather all the way, when I run I hardly ever breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth I know that is the healthy way but it just isn't me. ...

Amy said...

My new coworker who is a marathon runner recommended running on a 9 minute running/one minute (or 90 seconds if you need it) walking schedule because it will help you be able to go longer ultimately. She said she does this during her training and then when she does her marathons she's able to run 20-30 minutes, walk 2 minutes, etc. Keep working hard!! You're awesome