Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pounding Pavement

Well.... with the Music City Marathon only 2 weeks away, I knew that I needed to test myself with some serious milage. On Monday I only had class from 9:00 to 9:50 so I decided that I would get out and run an 18 miler. I ran from the campus out to our Apartment. It was a beautiful day, around 70 degrees and I loved having a destination to run to. I knew that I had to make it the 18 miles... or I wouldn't make it home! How's that for motivation? I was hoping to do the 18 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes. It actually took 2 hours and 55 minutes.... but I made it home! Surprisingly, I was a only a little sore in my quadriceps... and could walk the next day so that was a great sign. Unfortunately, I was so busy I didn't get out and run any more this week.... until today. I wanted to get in one more long run as preparation... so I was up and running at 8:00 this morning. Today was not nearly as nice as Monday. It was a chilly 45 degrees... but I knew if I made excuses I wouldn't get out there. So I took off this morning and got back to my car 20 miles later! I did great through 17 miles.... and the last 3 were killer but I made it the full 20 miles in 3 hours and 8 minutes! So I was a little quicker today! It's hard to believe that for the real marathon I need to go an additional 6.2 miles. But overall, after a 38 mile week I feel great, and it is a relief to get the long runs out of the way. Over the next two weeks I will just do a few shorter milage... keep the legs loose type runs and then it's on to Nashville!
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and training hard!


Justin said...

The sad part is your "short runs" are my long runs! This post is definately motivation for me to start getting serious about the half marathon. I just wish I could get over this cold, and I'm not talking about the weather!

Haylee said...

WOW! You are amazing lane! You are going to do great on your marathon and I the ogden half is oging to be a BREEZZZZZZZZZE for you!!

Keep it up!

Amy said...

Those are two monstrous runs. Good luck with the marathon, Lane!!!