Monday, November 5, 2012

Let the training begin!!

Let's try and revive this blog, shall we? :)

A special thanks to Lane, who roped Bryce into signing up for the Ogden Half Marathon this coming May. I'm super proud of them both- and it will help me to get in better shape as well, since the rest of us Blake's are doing the relay (Haylee and Justin, we'll miss you!). How fun will this be you guys? A great Blake get together- and a good excuse for me to visit my family for a few days too! :)

I also wanted to give a little shout out to Bryce. He's been really focusing on getting healthy by counting calories and being more active- and he's almost lost 80 lbs. This is huge!!! I always knew that if he had the desire and motivation, he could do it. I am so proud of all that he's accomplished, and he looks great!!!

Hope we can all commit to being a little more healthy- even with the holidays coming up and all those sweet treats tempting us. Lots of love to you all, and let's get training!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Post

Why don't we ever post on here? (:
I guess blogging is kinda "out" now isn't it. Well I thought I would do a post on Lane since I know he won't. haha
Lane so far since January 2012 has lost 36 pounds!! I know WOW this kid just keeps getting thinner and thinner.
His secret to success..... 1- counting his calories. He is very disciplined in what he eats. He doesn't snack he has a small breakfast a small lunch and a medium size dinner. He doesn't drink SODA and he portion controls. 2- Lane exercises at least 5 days a week. Usually for an hour but he does something active almost everyday.

Watching his transformation has motivated me to get my buns a moving! So Blake/Johnson family lets get healthy for 2012