Friday, February 15, 2008

First run of the season...

As I described in my last post, we've been living in a wintry {not so}wonderland the past few months and since we don't have access to a treadmill, that means no running. Well, it's melting away and the sidewalks are clear. So today Easton and I ventured out for our first easy 2 miler of the year. Easy my big fat fanny. I definitely have a ways to go to work up to six miles, but we'll get there. It doesn't help that the little dude in front has gained some weight since last summer.
(ohhh, remember this cute, tiny fella?)

Luckily I had my new valentines present to keep me motivated. That's right people, I have officially joined the 21st century and am the proud owner of an iPod nano. Here's to lots more good runs. Go team.

1 comment:

Whitney Blake said...

You will love your nano.. that is the only thing that helps me keep running(:
Look how little E-man looks